Elgris Technologies - elgris

Visualization Software
E-studio Pro
E-studio For Test

E-studio Pro

Elgris visualization software targets such areas as design, manufacturing, documentation, archiving, and field repair shops for electronic products. It is highly effective and easy to use when viewing schematics: you can zoom in and out, pan around the whole design, explore its hierarchical levels, report on properties attached to objects, and more.

Our major visualization product is called E-studio Pro. E-studio Pro is the product used to support EdaXML standard. It includes a syntax and semantic checker, an EdaXML viewer, a hierarchy flattener, a schematic generator, a page merger, a Cadence OrCAD database viewer and writer, a PADS schematic viewer, an EdaXML writer, an EDIF 2 0 0 viewer and writer, an EDIF 3 0 0 viewer and writer, and an EDIF 4 0 0 schematic viewer and writer. For more information look at the e-studio datasheet.

E-studio For Test

E-studio For Test  helps electrical engineers, PCB designers and test engineers to visualize, explore and debug PCB and IC netlists. It is used by the Users to reverse-engineer schematics from netlists, review existing schematics, debug PCB and IC netlists issues, etc.

E-studio For Test  generates intelligent schematics from EDIF PCB netlists, Verilog IC netlists and presents them within its own visual environment. In addition  the tool can export generated schematics to searchable Adobe PDF files, or save them to multiple Vendor formats such as Cadence OrCAD Capture, Cadence's Concept HDL, Mentor's DxDesigner, Altium Designer, EDIF2 0 0, EDIF3 0 0.

E-studio For Test  is popular among engineers who need a solution to maintain existing PCB boards without  access to their documentation.  Having just a PCB or IC netlist, a User can generate a schematic, review it in the Viewer and save  to popular schematic formats in a matter of minutes. A User can share the generated schematics with his/her colleagues by printing those schematics to intelligent and searchable Adobe PDF files.


E-Builder  provides electrical engineers, PCB designers, FPGA engineers with an easy way to build schematic symbols for high-pin count components, verify FPGA devices against the PCB boards they are instantiated in.

 E-Builder allows Users to quickly generate and try different schematic symbol representations before finalization in popular Vendor formats. It supports importing component descriptions from Web sources, multiple FPGA formats and allows to save generated symbols in DxDesigner, ConceptHDL, OrCAD, PADS Powerlogic, EAGLE and other formats.


E-Station  helps electrical engineers, PCB designers and test engineers to visualize, explore, debug and cross probe schematics and boards. It is used in Testing and Manufacturing environment where no CAD packages are available.
It is also useful in heterogeneous environments where front-end and back-end tools come from different Vendors.

 E-Station allows Users to review multiple Schematic and PCB formats in standard easy-to-use Viewers. It supports collaboration and allows to compare netlists between two schematics, between schematic from one Vendor and pcb board from another Vendor, etc.


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